The Heart of KYP

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Human beings are wired for connection. It’s in our DNA. While it can come from a variety of places, its presence is a key element to what allows a person to survive and flourish.

A critical aspect of someone’s relational connection to others is feeling known. Feeling seen. Valued. It brings a sense of belonging. 

And relationships are at the core of our work with clients. 

Belonging somewhere or to something provides an element of confidence. Of love. Acceptance. Certainty. This can be developed in a family, a team, an organization, a friendship or group, a community, a culture or tradition, a faith practice. Yet, without a sense of who we are, that connection and sense of belonging can begin to feel inauthentic. 

At the Know You Project, we believe that knowing yourself internally is a critical part of shaping your external world. Having an understanding of who you are and how you were designed can give someone permission to fully and freely be themselves. 

And when people get to operate out of freedom and wholeness, it impacts others to do the same.

In American culture, we generally move through the first 18 years of life with a loose plan, primarily dictated by an educational path. Typically, we start at Kindergarten and follow the prescribed steps, classes, and direction set before us. Sometimes there is an element of clarity as to what an individual might do upon graduation. Sometimes there isn’t. 

Upon school completion, it can feel like the “road map” is taken away. You might have had teachers, advisors, parents, or mentors recommended next steps. But then, in a sense, you’re left to dive into the “real world” and figure things out. 

It’s such a crucial time in life. A vulnerable one, too. 

Without having some sense of “this is who I am, here’s what I stand for, this is what I will and won’t do, here’s what I like, these are my values”… someone can begin to feel lost. Even with a few of those answers, clarity can still be lacking. Which affects confidence, self-esteem, connection with self and others, and ultimately, creates a sense of “where do I belong?”

We believe every person has a light that they bring into the world. Your unique combination of qualities, strengths, tendencies, life experiences, preferences all work to shape you into who you are.

Yet, when your mind is clouded with questions and uncertainty, that light can become dim. It can be overshadowed by doubt, fear, and anxiety. If you don’t know what fullness exists within you, how can you begin to understand how to live it out? 

At the heart of the KYP is a passion to help address these questions, using a relational, connected approach and taking the entire individual into account. Our logo represents moving from questions to clarity, allowing that light to shine in the otherwise dark places of uncertainty. While we focus on finding vision around someone’s career path, our work is about much more than that. It’s about reaching an inner knowing, then combining those insights with the practical path to walk them out.

While there is a lot of beauty in the world, plenty of darkness exists as well. We want to bring as much light to it as we can, through the vessels of each person willing to do the work to dive into their authentic self and live freely from that place.

Fulfillment can come when you’re bringing that light into the world through growth and contribution in an authentic, meaningful way that serves others and the greater good.

We love to help people dig into who they are, what they’re designed to do, and how to bring that light into the world.

We’d Love To Hear From You

Are you interested in taking the next step? Reach out to learn more about how we can help!

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