Get To Know Morgan

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Our culture wants us to define ourselves with a title. I don’t know about you, but I am so much more than a title. Growing up and into my early adulthood, I did not know how to capture what I wanted to do for work. Upon any graduation or next step, I dreaded the question: What do you want to be when you grow up? However, I did have life shaping experiences that showed me WHO I am:

A Relationship Builder: Growing up in Nashville, I was surrounded by a community of inspiring people who sought out purpose, diversity and connecting friends all over the world to better serve one another. It was contagious. Those rich and meaningful relationships are what guided my path to career counseling.

An Initiator of Ideas: Working in the non-profit space in Washington, DC and across college campuses in Nashville, I have had the privilege of partnering with leaders to implement events, mentorships and opportunities that encourage personal and professional growth in young adults. I found that discovering a need through thoughtful questioning and innovative strategy can lead to transformative possibilities.

Developer of Potential: Mentorship has shaped so much of who I am. Whether being mentored by a high school English teacher, a U.S. Senator’s wife, or a determined mom of four, I value insight and wisdom from those who know more than me. As a Realtor®, I learned the honor it is to assist someone in major life decisions. It is exciting to me to help someone determine an overall goal or purpose, then put realistic action-plans in place to make that happen. Whenever I am given the chance to speak into someone’s life, I view it as one of the highest honors.

Strategic Encourager: I see the good. For better or worse, my natural response to people and problems is to identify the good, the potential opportunity, or silver lining. Optimism has allowed me to succeed in roles such as sales, recruiting and leadership. However, as life has thrown challenges and losses my way, I have also found the beauty in acknowledging the hard, difficult and unexplainable. My hope is to continue to accept the challenges and allow myself to be refined by them. There are beautiful things in the difficult. But you don’t have to stay there. It is a joy to help others in this as well.

Career consulting has organically allowed me to combine these aspects of WHO I am. Since 2016, I have had the honor of getting to know individuals’ stories, personalities, strengths and blind-spots with the Know You Project. My sweet-spot is customizing the process to each unique individual so they too can confidently and authentically articulate WHO they are and what they can accomplish.

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