Morgan Newell

About Morgan

Consultant & Career Transition Specialist

Morgan recognized from an early age that the most fulfilled people all had one thing in common: self-awareness. This sense of identity and purpose directed their faith, family, work and relationships. That is success. Now, Morgan loves coming alongside individuals and teams to help them determine their strengths and direction. Her studies in Communication and Leadership, as well as work experience in non-profit, recruiting and sales lend well to promoting positive change. Morgan’s connector mentality and individualized approach generates impactful results with KYP clients who are seeking growth and new possibilities.

Other Interests

Morgan has always been drawn to people who offer a new perspective on life. A Nashville native, Morgan adores any opportunity to greet newcomers to the city and support local businesses. She is intentional about making time for mentorship, coffee dates with friends or drinks at the newest brewery with her husband. On a long weekend or holiday, you will most likely find her family packed up on a road trip to discover new places and spend time with people they love. Morgan’s children are the lights of her life and inspire the thought that life is too short to not do what you love.


B.S. in Psychology from Southern Methodist University (SMU)

B.A. in Communications, Minor in Leadership

B.S. in Psychology from Southern Methodist University (SMU)

Former Realtor®

B.S. in Psychology from Southern Methodist University (SMU)

Leadership Development with the International Foundation

B.S. in Psychology from Southern Methodist University (SMU)

Myers-Briggs Certified

B.S. in Psychology from Southern Methodist University (SMU)

Former Vanderbilt Alumni Relations Coordinator

B.S. in Psychology from Southern Methodist University (SMU)

Tennessee Student Leadership Mentor


“Comparison is the thief of joy.”

– Eleanor Roosevelt