“Plant a good seed, then patiently wait to see that precious thing hidden right within.” — R.R. Matt Smith So far we’ve processed personality, and we’ve differentiated between interests and passions. For this week’s sweet spot blog, we explore...
Continuing on with our “sweet spot” blog series, in this post we are offering a special two for one – interests AND passions! We explore both of these elements in our discovery process with clients. But how are they similar? And how are they different? And how do we...
“The thing that is really hard and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning to work on becoming yourself.” – Anna Quindlen In our last blog, we introduced a new series focused on understanding and identifying your sweet spot. As consultants, we...
Maybe you’ve been there before — having somewhat of an idea of who you are and what you enjoy but not really knowing how that fits into your work. For some, it can be really frustrating to show up to a job that’s nothing more than a paycheck. For others, they’ve...
I always appreciate the opportunity to spend time reflecting on the current year before heading into a new one. It’s a natural space where I get to consider what I’m proud of and what I can learn from – the successes and the setbacks. Then, I determine how to...
For those of you wondering… Yes, my mother named me after her favorite book/movie Pollyanna. For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, this 1960’s film featuring Haley Mills shares the story of an orphaned girl who moves in with her aunt. Her...